Interior landscaping concept: 10 weeks or 10 minutes?

2 min readMay 15, 2021


Any interior greening project begins with designing the concept: defining a goal, working out details, budgeting, selecting plants, finding suppliers.

Therefore, in the landscaping company, a whole team works on each project: a manager, a designer, a biologist. They develop a concept, present it to the customer, listen to comments, accept edits, finalize, submit an updated version, and so it goes through several iterations.

The customer not consistently can clearly articulate his expectations but almost always knows the budget constraints. So we need time to recalculate the budget while trying to keep the project volume.

It takes weeks, if not months. But what if it were possible to automate creating the concept? It would save an enormous amount of time and resources (recall that the working time of landscapers is included in the project budget).

Now, this has become possible thanks to artificial intelligence. It analyzes a considerable number of plant combinations and other essential data to select the optimal result.

For his training, the most successful cases of one of the leading landscaping companies were used.

This is how the Livee service works: you choose goals, enter the company’s data, add special wishes, and receive a commercial offer. You can adjust the budget and landscaping volume parameters in the same application. The most essential thing in this is flexibility and simplicity of changes while maintaining the accuracy of calculations. Do you want to cut your budget by 20%? Just enter the amount you wish to, and you will see how the concept changes.

As a result, you get a complete landscaping scenario that will impact your company’s KPI. How does it work? We will explain in the following posts.

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Livee is ai. driven green planing system for measurable happiness impact + It helps create prototypes of landscaping that make people happier.